The Vortigaunt Language (called Vortigese by some) is not simply composed of words, as context is shown by using the Vortessence, a practice know as 'flux shifting.' As such, it is fairly difficult for humans to understand it. Here are some sample Vortigaunt words:
Ah'Glaa - Basic, universal term for all Vortigaunts. It can be used as a greeting, a sign of joy, or basically anything. It is also useful to finish off your chants with this, as it is said to bring good luck.
Zurr - "Hello!"
Sen - "Yes."
Kell - "No."
Grak'larr - "Maybe."
Fho mah tosh - "I don't know."
Chur lung gong chella gurr? - "Can you repeat the question?"
Zekt - "Okay"
Ment - "Hurry!"
Tak' Helm - "Follow me."
Muna - "Humans."
Chronic - "Combine."
Ova'pah - "Food."
Leekasa - "Headcrab."
Kroznak - "Zombie."
Hammasune - "Attack!"
Kin - "Other Vortigaunt(s)."
Gerr - "Go!"
Famasune - "Freedom."
Fakkasune - "Slavery."
Lestlah - "Soon."
Telask - "Help!"
Osune - "Water"
Tay'kat - "Noise".
Rebassk - "Rebels."